Major Research Themes:
Optical Systems

Develop optical communication systems using advanced devices for enhanced signal fidelity. We are exploring large scale digital links with high signal-to-noise ratio and microwave photonic links with high dynamic range.
Facilities for this research include multi-channel dynamic range test-set to 20 GHz and 12 Gbps BERT. An inventory of optical components and modules for complete network synthesis has been generously donated by our corporate sponsors.
- Sun, C., M. Georgas, J. Orcutt, B. Moss, Y.-H. Chen, J. Shainline, M. Wade, K. Mehta, K. Nammari, E. Timurdogan, D. Miller, O. Tehar-Zahav, Z. Sternberg, J. Leu, J. Chong, R. Bafrali, G. Sandhu, M. Watts, R. Meade, M. Popovic, R. Ram, V. Stojanovic. IEEE J. of Solid-State Circuits 50.4 (2015): 828-844
DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2014.2382101 [PDF] - Duanni Huang, Parthiban Santhanam, and Rajeev J. Ram. ” Low-Power Communication with a Photonic Heat
Pump.” Optics Express, 22, S7, (2014): A1650-58. [PDF] - Loh, William, Siva Yegnanarayanan, Rajeev Ram, and Paul Juodawlkis. “A Nonlinear Optoelectronic Filter for Electronic Signal Processing.” Nature Scientific Reports 4, 3613 (2014). [PDF]
- Loh, William, Siva Yegnanarayanan, Rajeev J. Ram, and Paul W. Juodawlkis. “Unified Theory of Oscillator Phase Noise II: Flicker Noise.” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn. 61.12 (2013): 4132-46. [PDF]
- Loh, William, et al. “Unified Theory of Oscillator Phase Noise I: White Noise.” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn. 61.6 (2013): 2371-81. [PDF]
- Loh, William, et al. “Super-Homogeneous Saturation of Microwave-Photonic Gain in Optoelectronic Oscillator Systems.” IEEE Photon. J. 4.5 (2012): 1256-66. [PDF]
- Khilo, Anatol, Steven J. Spector, Matthew E. Grein, Amir H. Nejadmalayeri, Charles W. Holzwarth, Michelle Y. Sander, Marcus S. Dahlem, Michael Y. Peng, Michael W. Geis, Nicole A. DiLello, Jung U. Yoon, Ali Motamedi, Jason S. Orcutt, Jade P. Wang, Cheryl M. Sorace-Agaskar, Miloš A. Popović, Jie Sun, Gui-Rong Zhou, Hyunil Byun, Jian Chen, Judy L. Hoyt, Henry I. Smith, Rajeev J. Ram, Michael Perrott, Theodore M. Lyszczarz, Erich P. Ippen, and Franz X. Kärtner. “Photonic ADC: Overcoming the Bottleneck of Electronic Jitter.” Optics Express 20.4 (2012): 4454-69. [PDF]
- Lin, Shu-Chuan, San-Liang Lee, Han-Hyuan Lin, Gerd Keiser, and Rajeev J. Ram. “Cross-Seeding Schemes for WDM-Based Next-Generation Optical Access Networks.” Journal of Lightwave Technology 29.24 (2011): 3727-36. [PDF]
- Rana, F., P. Mayer, and R. J. Ram. “Scaling of the Photon Noise in Semiconductor Cascade Lasers.” Journal of Optics B 6.8 (2004): S771-4. [PDF]
- Rana, F., R. J. Ram, and H. A. Haus. “Quantum Noise of Actively Mode-Locked Lasers with Dispersion and Amplitude/Phase Modulation.” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 40.1 (2004): 41-56. [PDF]
- Mayer, P., F. Rana, and R. J. Ram. “Photon Noise Correlations in Electrically Coupled Semiconductor Lasers.” Applied Physics Letters 82.5 (2003): 689-91. [PDF]
- Rana, F., H. L. T. Lee, R. J. Ram, M. E. Grein, L. A. Jiang, E. P. Ippen, and H. A. Haus. “Characterization of Noise and Correlations in Harmonically Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers.” Journal of Optical Society of America B 19.11 (2002): 2609-21. [PDF]
- Rana, F., and R. J. Ram. “Current Noise and Photon Noise in Quantum Cascade Lasers.” Physical Review B 65.12 (2002): 125313. [PDF]
- Rana, F., and R. J. Ram. “Photon Noise and Correlations in Semiconductor Cascade Lasers.” Applied Physics Letters 76.9 (2000): 1083-5. [PDF]
- Lee, H. L. T., R. V. Dalal, R. J. Ram, and K. D. Choquette. “Dynamic Range of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers in Multimode Links.” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 11.11 (1999): 1473-5. [PDF]
- Chen, J., R. J. Ram, and R. Helkey. “Linearity and Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion in DFB Semiconductor Lasers.” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 35.8 (1999): 1231-7. [PDF]
- Dalal, R. V., R. J. Ram, R. Helkey, H. Roussell, and K. D. Choquette. “Low Distortion Analogue Signal Transmission Using Vertical Cavity Lasers.” Electronics Letters 34.16 (1998): 1590-1. [PDF]
- Z. Li, J. Xue, M. de Cea, J. Kim, H. Nong, D. Chong, K. Yong Lim, E. Quek, & R. J. Ram, "A sub-wavelength Si LED integrated in a CMOS platform," Nature Communications 14, no. 1 (2023): 882, DOI: [PDF]
- I. Kang, M. de Cea, J. Xue, Z. Li, G. Barbastathis, & R. J. Ram, "Simultaneous spectral recovery and CMOS micro-LED holography with an untrained deep neural network," Optica 9, no. 10 (2022): 1149-1155, DOI: [PDF]
- K. X. E. Kay, A. H. Atabaki, W. Bo Ng, Z. Li, G. P. Singh, S. W. L. Tan, & R. J. Ram, "Identification of illicit street drugs with swept‐source Raman spectroscopy," Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 53, no. 7 (2022): 1321-1332, DOI: [PDF]
- Z. Li, N. Persits, D. J. Gray Jr., & R. J. Ram, "Computational polarized Raman microscopy on sub-surface nanostructures with sub-diffraction-limit resolution," Optics Express 29, no. 23 (2021): 38027-38043, DOI: [PDF]
- A. H. Atabaki, W. F. Herrington, C. Burgner, V. Jayaraman, & R. J. Ram, "Low-power swept-source Raman spectroscopy," Optics Express, vol 29, issue 16 (2021) DOI: [PDF]
- J. Xue , J. Kim, A. Mestre, K. M. Tan, D. Chong, S. Roy, H. Nong, K. Y. Lim, D. Gray, D. Kramnik, A. Atabaki, E. Quek, & R. J. Ram, "Low-Voltage, High-Brightness Silicon Micro-LEDs for CMOS Photonics," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol 68, Issue 8 (2021): 3870 - 3875, DOI: [PDF]
- N. Persits, J. Kim, D. Gray, Z. Li, A. H. Atabaki, & R. J. Ram , "Networked Swept-Source Raman Sensors," OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group) (2021) DOI: [PDF]
- M. de Cea, E. E. Wollman, A. H. Atabaki, D. J. Gray, M. D. Shaw & R. J. Ram, "Photonic Readout of Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Counting Detectors," Nature, Scientific Reports, 10 (2020): 9470, DOI: [PDF]
- N. Han, G. N. West, A. H. Atabaki, D. Burghoff, & R. J. Ram, "Compact and high-precision wavemeters using the Talbot effect and signal processing," Optics letters 44, no. 17 (2019): 4187-4190, DOI: [PDF]
- M. de Cea, A. H. Atabaki, & R. J. Ram, "Power handling of silicon microring modulators," Opt. Express 27 (2019): 24274-24285 , DOI: [PDF]
- V. Mehra, R. Amatya, & R. J. Ram, "Estimating the value of demand-side management in low-cost, solar micro-grids," Energy, 163 (2018): 74-87, DOI: [PDF]
- C. Sun, M. Georgas, J. Orcutt, B. Moss, Y.-H. Chen, J. Shainline, M. Wade, K. Mehta, K. Nammari, E. Timurdogan, D. Miller, O. Tehar-Zahav, Z. Sternberg, J. Leu, J. Chong, R. Bafrali, G. Sandhu, M. Watts, R. Meade, M. Popovic, R. J. Ram, & V. Stojanovic, "A Monolithically-Integrated Chip-to-Chip Optical Link in Bulk CMOS," IEEE J. of Solid-State Circuits 50.4 (2015): 828-844, DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2014.2382101 [PDF]
- D. Huang, P. Santhanam, & R. J. Ram, "Low-Power Communication with a Photonic Heat Pump," Optics Express, 22, S7 (2014): A1650-58, [PDF]