Dodd Joseph Gray, Jr.
Research Laboratory of Electronics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
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Dr. Dodd Gray is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Physical Optics and Electronics Group within the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT. His research is focused on the physics of photonic and optoelectronic waveguide devices which roughly falls into three categories: (1) waveguide nonlinear optics for low power wavelength conversion, (2) cryogenic optoelectronic interfaces to superconducting electronics, and (3) integrated source development for stimulated Raman spectroscopy.
Prior to joining the POE group as a postdoc in April 2019, Dodd worked as a graduate student under the supervision of Prof. Hideo Mabuchi in the Applied Physics Department at Stanford University. There he developed a scanning probe instrument based on Raman spectroscopy to characterize domains arising from low-temperature phase transitions in correlated materials and he studied wavelength conversion in CMOS-fabricated silicon waveguide devices. Dodd previously worked in the POE group as both an undergrad and master’s student at MIT, developing modeling and experiment tools to study thermoelectric effects in light-emitting diodes.
Dodd holds degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, Ph.D. ’19, and MIT, B.S. ’10 and M.Eng. ’11.